Show Us Your Books Link-Up: July 2017

Hello, booklovers! It's the best day of the month- time for the Show Us Your Books Link-Up.

This past month has actually been a pretty good one, books wise- I more than doubled last month's number of books, anyway. Also, I'm 93% of the way to my goal number for the year. Not too shabby for only July. Anyway, let's get to why we're all really here: the books!

Well, this book wrecked me. Like, sobbing at 10 pm on a weeknight wrecked me. Thank God I did not read this at work, let me just say. It's about a family who loses a teenage daughter, and the family dynamics both before and after her death. And while you would expect the death to be the sad part, that wasn't even what really upset me. The upsetting part was the relationships between everyone in the family and the undeniable fact that no matter how much you love someone and think you know're probably dead fucking wrong. Also, humans are inherently self-centered. And life is confusing and sad. It ended with hope, but it was just such a beautiful portrayal of an absolute mess of a family. I loved it.  


This was a super fast and completely adorable read. Basically it's different stories- mostly classics but also some contemporary- that are told through text messages between characters. You don't have to have read all of these stories to enjoy it, in fact it could even be looked at as a very short Cliff Notes kind of situation. Pretty hilarious (the Harry Potter one is between Hermione & Ron, and he thinks credit cards are a form magic...).

 This book caught my eye at the library while I was looking for something else already on my TBR. As someone who has felt drawn to adoption, I thought it would be interesting to hear from the side of birth mothers since you don't typically hear much about them. This book was originally printed around the 1990s, and the women involved relinquished children from around the 1950s-1980s, give or take a decade each way (don't remember exactly) so it isn't exactly current. However, still worth exploring. It was truly sad to read some parts- one woman states that she was not given any pain medicine during birth as a "punishment" for getting pregnant out of wedlock. Many women were sent away from their families, or scorned by their communities. I appreciate that it did not necessarily paint these women as saints or sinners, but acknowledged many different factors of the adoption situation. That being said, the author is not a traditional writer and many things could have been presented more clearly and concisely. Not a regret, but there are probably better books out there on the subject. Still, overall interesting.

 This one had been on my TBR forever, and was one of those books you hear a lot about and think "Man, I should read that." was a little lackluster for me. It reminded me a LOT of Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Vern, which I read last year. Maybe because I listened to them both as audiobooks? Or because they both sound slightly Norweign? Either was fine, but a little difficult to keep up with. Maybe the movie would have held my attention better? I know, blasphemy. I think this type of sci-fi just isn't my thing. I appreciate it for what it is, but won't be continuing with this series or more of its type.

What have you been reading this month? 
Link up & let us know!

What have you been reading lately? Link-up & let us know!
Life According to Steph


  1. Great job on being so close to your goal already! Texts From Jane Eyre sounds really fun. I always hear good things about Everything I Never Told You, but I don't think I could handle the sad factor.

  2. Birthmothers sounds so interesting - surely someone has done something similar since then? Everything I Never Told You was my first audiobook and I loved it. Glad you had a similar reaction!

  3. OK... heading to Amazon right now to order Everything I never told you... I love books that grip my heart like that

  4. I must check out Texts from Jane Eyre. I love that kind of stuff.

  5. Texts from Jane Eyre sounds so awesome and unique! I can't wait to check that one out. I've never even heard of it!

  6. I am not brave enough to read Everything I Never Told You Right Now. Maybe during a time I am less exhausted and prone to be totally wrecked by a book even more than usual. Texts from Jane Eyre sounds perfect, I will check it out.

    1. I agree, Everything I Never Told You sounds too sad for now.

  7. Everything I Never Told You has been on my to read list for awhile now. Texts from Jane Eyre sounds like such a fun read!

  8. Text from Jane Eyre sounds hilarious. Love the concept! Everything I Never Told You is on my TBR. I know it will wreck me, which is why I've been avoiding it. :D

  9. I had friends in high school who were obsessed with Hitchhiker's Guide. I still haven't read it.

    Everything I Never Told You was a phenomenal book. I can't wait for her new one!

  10. Definitely adding Celeste Ng's book to my TBR!

  11. Obviously I'm with you on Hitchhikers!

    I think I have the Celeste Ng book on my TBR, but I also think it's one that I added based on recommendation alone without knowing what it's really about. I still want to read it after your review, but thanks for the warning to be careful when I do!

  12. I've heard so many good things about Everything I Never Told You, so I hope to read it soon! Texts From Jane Eyre sounds like a really interesting read! I added that one to my list too!

  13. Texts From Jane Eyre sounds really interesting!

  14. ahhhh wow everything I never told you will be mine soon hahah! thanks for the recommendation.

  15. I really liked Texts from Jane Eyre when I read it. It's funny. I've seen the Hitchhiker movie - and loved it - so I'm always curious about the book.


  16. oh, bummer about the hitchhikers guide. i read it years ago and really liked it, and i also liked the movie. there are definitely times i've clicked with or understood a movie better than a book, nothing wrong with that i say lol

  17. The texts book sounds fun. Definitely adding that to my TBR list. I agree about Hitchhiker's Guide. Totally fell flat for me. I won't be doing any sequels. Ha.

  18. Everything I Never Told You is on my TBR and I am glad to hear you liked it too!
