Show Us Your Books Link-Up: June 2018

Time to talk books! Let's get right too it.

Home to Harmony by Philip Gulley
This was a cute book I found in a Little Free Library. It discusses a Quaker (I think) pastor in a small little town and some of the daily life that the townspeople deal with. It was wonderful quaint read that I didn't expect to love as much as I did.

Safe Harbor by Luanne Rice
This book was fine, for what it is. Although I spent the entire time thinking I had read it already, but I actually think I just read a really similar book which is not great. But overall it was fine. Slightly cheesy but a good beach read.

Because We Are Bad: OCD and a Girl Lost in Thought by Lily Bailey
I highly enjoyed this book. It is told by a young woman and chronicles her journey with OCD. It was fascinating to see firsthand the way someone reacts to a disorder and diagnosis and treatment. I especially appreciated the way she talks about her OCD not being the way it is stereotypically presented and how that was confusing to her and later to others.

Daisy in Chains by Sharon J. Bolton
This was probably my favorite of the month, tied with Because We Are Bad.  I kind of guessed the ending but only like 50% of it, and not until fairly close to the end.

The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine
This book felt like I was reading a Lifetime movie. It was told from two different perspectives, and truly I found the second half of the book much more interesting. I had an idea of what the second half would be, but not the last few chapters. Some parts were really good and others were super simplistic. It was meh at best.

What have you been reading this month?
Link-up & share! 

Life According to Steph


  1. Daisy in Chains sounds interesting. I haven't read anything by that author I dont think.

    1. I'd recommend, if you are into crime at all. It was a good one.

  2. Definitely adding Daisy in Chains and Because We Are Bad! I haven't heard of either!

    1. They were random picks from the wandering around the library :) Hope you enjoy as much as I did!

  3. Daisy in Chains is on my TBR (because of this linkup, I believe) so I'm glad to hear that you liked it.

  4. That's the perfect way to describe The Last Mrs. Parrish (if I could I would insert the crying laughing emoji here)lol! Totally a Lifetime movie!

    1. YES! There has to be a movie version of it somewhere.
