Show Us Your Books: June 2017

Y'all...I knew I hadn't been reading much lately, but I didn't realize it was only 2 books this past month. I've stopped and started a few, but yeah. Only 2 completed books.  Oh well.

 review copied from my Goodreads page

I had high hopes for this book going in, because I loved The Lunar Chronicles. But it just didn't live up to them :( It was fine, but not great. I REALLY liked Jest, he was by far the most intriguing character for me. But it was kind of Insta-love with Catherine, and I just don't feel that the relationship justified everything that happened at the end. Also, the ending seemed rushed and Cath's transformation very sudden for something so dramatic. Maybe if this was a series too, it could have been fleshed out more, but just seemed off-paced.

I really enjoyed this book. Working on a full review with Free Range Kids, which I read last month, since they share a few similarities. But one thing I really liked about this idea was that it seemed like France has a more collective view on childrearing. America is divided on everything, and raising babies is certainly a big part of that. Or so it's seemed to me this past year anyway. In this book, France is presented with a more unified approach but also less stress on getting it right every single time.  

What have you been reading lately? Link-up & let us know!
Life According to Steph


  1. I only "read" 2 books too and I already dissected the crap out of them so I didn't even post for SUYB. :'( I had just given myself permission not to read parenting books but the ones you mention sound intriguing so maybe I'm going to change my mind. I'm trying to find ways to free up some of my time so fingers crossed I'll be able to do more reading soon!!!

  2. I'm reluctant to read Heartless because I'm not a big Wonderland fan although I did loveeee Lunar Chronicles so I will probably pick it up sometime on a rainy day.

  3. I only read the first book in the Lunar Chronicles but enjoyed it. Heartless has been on my to read list since I heard about it. Bummer that you didn't enjoy it as much as you hoped you would.

  4. I hate when a book disappoints. I've heard both sides for Heartless...

  5. I was not a fan of Heartless and it trended more towards the loathe category for me. I did not like Catherine. Her "switch" was abrupt and somewhat unbelievable. I agree that as a series where Catherine's descent into madness/evil was more parsed out would have been better. And it seriously bummed me because I loved The Lunar Chronicles.

  6. I haven't read any Myers books yet but they are on my list. I have heard mixed reviews of that one. I liked Bringing Up Bebe and I think you are right that France has more similar views country wide as opposed to our country which is very divided and vocal about the opinions! I like how much more laid back they seem there.

  7. I don't read parenting books. I just wing it, although I like the idea of telling American moms to calm the hell down.

  8. I'm not a parent but I still like books focused on parenting - I'm not sure why. LOL Bringing Up Bebe is one I've been curious about. Sorry you didn't really love Heartless - I own a copy and hope to read it soon though.

  9. I've heard that Bringing Up Bebe is a good book to read, especially for mothers or expectant mothers. I've been thinking of picking that one up. Heartless is on my list of books to read, actually I selected it for Erin's Challenge, and I hope that I like it! Alice In Wonderland isn't exactly my favorite, but I love Marrisa Meyer!

  10. I've been meaning to read French style parenting books for a long time. I'm adding it to my list!

  11. I've been really thinking of picking up Bringing Up Bebe! Such a bummer about Heartless. I'm reading it next month and hope I don't hate it!

  12. Recommending the second to my BFF. She's been looking for something along those lines.

  13. Although I'm not a mom (yet?), I'm kind of interested in Bringing up Bebe because I love learning about other cultures approach daily life
