Add It To My List Link-Up: September 2017

  Link-up creators are Lauren from Eat, Drink, & Be Lauren and Bre from Bre Writes. Basically, they are always recommending things to each other- podcasts, television shows, music, blah blah blah. And they figured- why not share even further?

Ugh, not that much to add this month guys. Had my first test this month and I've been busy.

  • Royal Pains (tv show)
    • It's on Netflix, and it's passing the time nicely. 
  • Queso dip & Chipotle Lime Salsa from Aldi
    • Can't find a link for these, but YUM. Some friends invited us over to watch a football game and these were the perfect snack food...I may have eaten about 3 plates #sorrynotsorry
  • Mint Candy Apple nail polish from Essie
    • Got this from a friend and seriously had 3 compliments Sunday morning at church. 
  • Betty Crocker Spice Cake
    • Perfect cake for fall! I switched out the vegetable oil for coconut oil because that's what I had on hand, then added cream cheese icing & walnuts. YUM. 
  • Recollections Washi Tape
    • I bought some of this for my Bullet Journal. At first I didn't really get the appeal, but I was trying to keep everything super simple so I would actually stick with my BuJo.  I got this one at Michael's, but can't find it on their website. Yay, coupons! It's still easy to do but gives me a little "pop" of color and creativity.

What have you been loving lately?
Join the link-up & let us know!


  1. I love that Mint Candy Apple color from Essie! It's one of my favorites. And that chipotle lime salsa sounds amazing. Aldi for the win always.

  2. I am planning on *hopefully* making a trip to Aldi this weekend to stock up on some things, so I will add the queso and salsa to my list!!! Dips are my favorite food group.

  3. Oh, I do love washi tape - and all things planner related!! I loved the show Royal Pains; I missed most of the last couple of seasons though.


  4. Sweet polish!

    I always want to like spice cake but I never do.

  5. I LOVE the mint candy apple! I used to have it and need to replace.

  6. i can't bear to cheat on my friend's shop so i buy all my washi from's a bit more expensive but this stuff is straight from Japan and the most amazing collection/quality.
