Three Things: Favorite Kids Books

Let's keep the book theme going for the week! This month's 3 Things are my favorite kids books. 

As regular readers know, I have a tiny child. I've been reading to Babycakes pretty much since she popped out (and a little before that). She gets free books through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, and we swap books through our local used bookstore which has a trade-in program (LOVE that). She also gets books for holidays...a family member said at Christmas "Well I didn't know what to get her, but I knew you would appreciate books." You're welcome, Babycakes- Mama is ensuring you are showered with books. I hope you never stop loving that.

Here's some of our favorites!

by Adam Wallace, illustrated by Andy Elkerton
My in-laws got this book for Babycakes, no clue where. But it's totally adorable! I love that the main Tooth Fairy in the story looks like a punkish Amelia Earhart, I love that the other tooth fairies are different races/colors, as are the kids featured in the books. I love that it specifically talks about a female whose job includes lots of travel and having fun. I love that it, however loosely, encourages STEM creativity by showing different types of kid-created "traps." It's totally adorable.

by Michael Dahl and illustrated by Omar Lozano
This book is super cute. I love that it equates being kind and honest and admitting when you need help as equal to being brave and smart when it comes to being heroic. Also, it features a little girl in a hijab on the playground saying "Girl Power" which is something that warms my heart every time because...well, it wasn't in the books I was reading as a kid.

by Karma Wilson and illustrated by Sam Williams
This is the book that ended up providing Babycake's bloggy nickname! It's one of the ones from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. It has cute rhymes with actions (kiss on the nose, clap, sing, etc) that make it fun to read and act out.

What are you favorite books to read with kids, or what were your favorites to read when YOU were a kid?


  1. All these books sounds fun! Zoe loves to flip through books. Right now we spend a lot of time with the first 100 words and animal books. I will ask Zoe where something is, and she can point to about half the things now! We also love The Going to Bed Book, Ocean Adventure, and The Pout Pout Fish.

  2. I always buy books for the kids in my life and am always looking for new recommendations!
