Show Us Your Books: January 2018

Hello, everyone! Hope 2018 is treating you well so far. Here in NC, we got hit with literally record-breaking cold weather that has kept me housebound with a 1 year old for a week. I was honestly planning on getting more reading done...but my library closed early the day the storm hit and I wasn't going out after it hit, so it's been a slow week of too much TV around here. *shrug* You do what you have to survive.

On to the books!

This was a random purchase at my local used book store. I liked the idea of reading more poetry, and this is mainly poetry and short stories and interviews. Most of the interviews were super annoying, dealing with people who tried to convey how important they were while pretending they didn't care about how popular they were and interviewers who constantly blew smoke up their asses. The actual stories and poems were okay, or great...I'd recommend, but be okay with skipping large chunks or hate-finishing the interviews.

Beautiful as always. Not quite as captivating as Prince of Tides or Beach Music for me,'s Pat Conroy. It was damn good, and a sweeping love letter to a beautiful and complicated city I hold dear to my heart. oasis to think about hot Charleston summers and even hurricanes when I have 6 inches of snow outside (which is nothing to some, but I literally haven't seen this much snow here for this long in almost 20 years). 

What have you been reading lately? 
Link-up & let us know!
Life According to Steph


  1. Ironically, Charleston was also covered in 6 inches of snow! Before the snow, a neighbor and I went downtown and took pictures of the Christmas decorations on some of the houses and we were walking around the Battery and Tradd St and I just kept thinking of South of Broad. :)

  2. It’s insanely cold in Delaware, too, and now we are also covered in ice. Which is fun.

    I feel like my mom loaned me her copy of South of Broad and I never got around to reading it. I wonder if I still have it...

  3. This cold weather has been brutal and definitely makes it difficult to go anywhere. The Paris Review sounds so interesting with the stories & poems mixed with the interviews, though I could see how the interviews could be annoying to read.

  4. I read Beach Music in 2017 and now I eventually want to read everything he's written. Glad to know this one was good!!!

  5. Thanks for sharing. Oh gosh, being suck in a house for a week without much to read sounds awful!! I hope things are getting back to normal.


  6. we've not had any real snow this year, so 6 inches is a lot to me! i haven't read anything by Pat Conroy but beach music is on my list.

  7. South of Broad is my least favorite Conroy but I'd read his writing any day just for its beauty.

  8. While I've seen the movie Prince of Tides, I've actually never read any Pat Conroy and that seems very, very wrong. I need to change that!

  9. I am going to add South of Broad to my list. I hope it warms up for you guys!

  10. Here in NY we've experienced bitter cold temps and some snow/ice too. Living here my whole life and I still hate it! LOL! Luckily, I had lots of books to read!

    I've never read a Pat Conroy book. I know it's crazy!

  11. I've never read a Pat Conroy book, but I've heard good things!

  12. Lots of love for Pat Conroy... I've never read his books but maybe I'll add one to my list!
    I'm jealous of the snow the East Coast got. As an Ohioan, I'm used to the cold and snow, but the subzero degrees really suck when there's no pretty snow to look at.
