Show Us Your Books Link-Up: November 2016

Woot woot! It's time for the Show Us Your Books link-up!

I really thought I had read more books this month...but I guess that's what happens when you start and stop 3 books.

Apparently I was in the mood for some dystopian YA this month...


(The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer) 

This book was a crazy departure for me, as I usually do not do sci-fi/steampunk-y stuff. But this is a great story! I love the characters and plot line. Plus, it delves into diversity topics like nothing I've ever read before. It's futuristic and deals with cybors/androids/etc (I had to google the difference) but there are clear parallels to racism/etc in our current time.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Y'all...this book grabbed me. It deals with a culture that has decided to blame love for almost all of society's problems. So at a certain age (17?) they are injected with a "cure" to make them...immune to love. Not just romantic love- all kinds of familial and platonic love also. It would also get some diversity points (mental health).

I paused on reading two separate books for these two series- and I don't regret it.

In Progress: The Light Between Oceans
Paused: On the Road
DNF: The Dance of the Dissident Daughter

What have you been reading?
Link-up & share!

Life According to Steph


  1. i absolutely adore the lunar chronicles. one of my favourite series of all time. love them. i have read delirium, but i actually forgot that is what it was about lol! i liked it well enough but unfortunately didn't like the entire series.

  2. Whoop whoop for dystopia! I love the Lunar Chronicles. I actually re-read it recently by accident, which tells you something (when you glance at the first page of the first one and then read the whole series). Delirium sounds interesting too. Kind of similar idea to The Giver or Equilibrium (movie) where they take pills to inhibit emotions and claim that the world is better as a logical, unemotional place.

  3. I read Delirium last year and really enjoyed it too! I have the next book in the series but haven't picked it up yet. And yes to The Lunar Chronicles! The cover of Cinder definitely put me off, but I'm so glad that I ended up reading it because the series is one of my favorite YA series!

  4. I have no interest in the Lunar Chronicles but Delirium sounds intriguing.

  5. I have the Lunar Chronicles but havent read it yet - waiting for them all to come out. I hate waiting on a book in a series.

  6. I love the Lunar Chronicles! It's one of my favorite YA series. Sometimes I have to pause a book too, if you're not into it, you can't force it!

  7. I've debated reading Delirium because I read Vanishing Girls and really enjoyed it! I've definitely paused a few books recently-- sometimes you just need a break I think.

  8. I keep putting The Lunar Chronicles off but I do want to read them soon!!! I might add Delirium to my list!

  9. I've not read the Cinder series. I've heard amazing things, but I've also been told I probably won't like it. Hmmm

  10. I love the Lunar Chronicles! I haven't finished them yet, so I really need to do it soon!

  11. I'm intrigued by Delirium. Just requested it from the library.

  12. I hope you're enjoying The Light Between Oceans - I LOVED that book!
