Add It To My List: July 2017

 Link-up creators are Lauren from Eat, Drink, & Be Lauren and Bre from Bre Writes. Basically, they are always recommending things to each other- podcasts, television shows, music, blah blah blah. And they figured- why not share even further?

  • This video by Cat & Nat. I was going to write a how blog about how adults to to hold themselves to the same standards they expect their kids to meet. But they already did this video, so here you go.

  • On the same day I saw this video, I also listened to this episode of the One Bad Mother podcast where they talk about how they are similar to their toddlers. Yep.
  • The TV show Reign on Netflix
    • I never think I'm going to enjoy period dramas- and I have no clue how historical this is (probably not at all), but it's sucked me in! I will say, the first two seasons are the best and after that some parts get...weird. But overall still good, and made me want to look into the history of Mary Queen of Scots & Elizabeth I more.
  • Also the show iZombie.
    • Surprisingly funny and I like the "passable" zombie thing. 
  • This post from Tim which is so true and also so hard: The Truth Resists Simplicity. 
  • Bullet Journaling
    • basically a DIY simple planner
    • I tried this once before, but got overwhelmed by the artistic types who turned this from a simple note-taking system into half-planner/half-sketch book. I've went back to the minimalist original idea and it seems to be working.
  • I've had issues with the buttons for multiple link-ups lately...have y'all noticed this? Apparently Photobucket is requiring payment now to share your our buttons are effectively dead :( So dissapointed and unsure of what to do...moderators- ideas? 
    • although now it seems to be working. Dude, so confused. 

Two small announcements & 
things to add to your prayer list, please, if you have one...

1) We are hoping to grow our family through foster/adoption and just getting started on the process! I'm terrified and nervous and so hopeful and excited.

2) Also...finally starting grad school. Because...that seems totally reasonable at this point in my life, right? I can't even.

I'll talk more about both of these later, but right now they are still super new and I'm processing.


  1. SO MUCH to say here!
    1) Congrats on 1 and 2! I am coming across so many foster to adopt stories lately and they are long roads but seem so worthwhile. Good luck to you!
    2) Lighter things - have you tried The Crown? I like it but don't love it, but it's one of the few (kind of) period things I've watched.
    3) I just started a bullet journal because of Bre, honestly! I get overwhelmed by all of the terms and tracking all of the tasks, but I like to have a monthly overview, a weekly spread, a place to put memories each month, and then lists of things I want to keep track of (things to try/buy, wines I really like, meals we don't hate, etc.) And, it's an excuse to buy pens. Working from home, I don't write many things down but this gives me a reason to! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Congrats on starting grad school and best wishes on your journey through foster/adoption!!! That is some exciting news!!!

  3. Congrats on making major life decisions! I hope it works out well with perfect timing :)

    I started iZombie but didn't get that far yet.

  4. The thought of starting school again is terrifying to me. We can do it!

  5. Ok yes for this video! Also double and triple yes for BuJo. I've found that if I do want to decorate, a strip or two of washi tape is enough for me. This is also the second day in a row "mop living room" is an unchecked task. I figure by tomorrow I will be tired of writing it.
    Prayers for your adoption/foster done!
    My husband started grad school and surprisingly this first year has flown by (at least to me, I don't do the school work). Best of luck for you and your support system!!!!!!

  6. I'm watching Reign too!!!!! I watched it FOREVER ago but fell off the train, but now I'm in season 3 and AHHHHHHHH
