Show Us Your Books Link-Up: October 2017

Today is the third anniversary of the Show Us Your Books Link-Up!!! 

I actually think I started linking up around the first anniversary (maybe second, but I think first), so this is a personal anniversary with the link-up also. 

To Steph & Jana, and everyone else who participates- thank you for giving me a funny, bookish day once a month to feel included and enjoy community with like-minded book lovers. You guys rock and make me smile every second Tuesday of the month. 

Now, on to the books!



See above and READ THIS SERIES ALREADY. In this one you learn more about the gods which is fun. BUT OMG JUST READ IT ALREADY.

Life According to Steph

1 comment

  1. Any review with all caps MUST be put on my TBR list. DUN.
    I'm so glad you liked Beartown. It was a difficult book to read for me, but I loved it. The way Mia handled everything like a fucking boss was so awesome to see but I also questioned how well she handled it (but I was comparing it to my own experiences).
