Reasons I Don't Work Out

Here's a compilation of all the reasons I haven't worked out in months:

  • The gym is too expensive...or the affordable ones don't have childcare
  • We can't stick to a schedule of when Hubs works out vs when I work out
    • mainly due to the fact that our work schedules are very different so we can't really be "fair"
  • It's too cold outside to do the free running
  • It's too wet outside to do the free local outside fitness group
  • I don't have time to go work out, then come back and get ready for work
  • The traffic in this town is insane and if I pay for the gym, I also have to fight traffic and by the time I do that plus workout my kid will be asleep when I get home so then I'll feel like a bad mom
  • My SAHM friends don't want to get up early to workout with me before work
  • My working mom friends don't have time to workout in the morning because they have to go do the daycare drop-off

What's your excuse?
(doesn't have to be for exercise, whatever you want to complain about)

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