Show Us Your Books Link-Up: February 2017

The best bloggy day of the month- SHOW US YOUR BOOKS! Here's what I 've read(/listened to) in the past month.

This was a super interesting read. It is the story of Dinah, daughter of Leah & Jacob in the Bible. It does not paint everyone in the most flattering way, and that upsets some people. But it was really interesting to me in the way it points out that the Bible is so huge and mentions so many people, but in relatively small amounts. So this idea of backstory was intriguing, and I loved the picture it painted between the wives of Jacob. Womanhood was treated as very important and special, and having Dinah end up as a midwife showed so many aspects that are unique to being a woman. I'd recommend, but not if you want a book that's an extension of the Bible. It's just a good fictional read.
Library paperback

This was a super fun addition to The Lunar Chronicles. I listened to it through my library's audio book service and it was a pretty short one. Lots of reviews said it did not make them feel bad for the Queen, which ended up being the case for me too. Yes, she had a somewhat crappy family. But she is also just naturally a terrible person. She always made the worst possible choice, both for herself and others. Just a terrible, terrible human Lunar being.
Library audiobook

This is one of those "someday" books I always meant to read. Frank McCourt was a guest speaker at a conference I attended in high school, and he was great. So snarky and funny. This book was took a while to get into the groove because it's literally just a recap of his childhood/teenage years (until he comes to America). There isn't a "climax" so to speak, which I was waiting for for a long time. But it's a good look at poverty and religion and nationality and family and I'd recommend.
Audible audiobook

This is part two of the Peculiar series by Riggs. Book 1 was one of my favorite reads that year. I made the mistake of watching the movie (re: Book 1) while I read this, which I do NOT recommend. Some of the characters are actually switched in regards to peculiarities, which threw me way off. But it's interesting and you get more "history" of the peculiars so to speak, which I found fascinating.
Library ebook

I can't decide how I feel about it. Parts of it were great, but some parts of it are just "Hell no, why is no one making a bigger deal about this?!?" with caution?
Library audiobook

I started listening to the Girl's Girls podcast, so obviously I had to read Brittany's book. I don't think I had read her blog or articles before, although it sounded vaguely familiar. I really enjoy the podcast and it was cool to read the book and see how it all happened. I am not a big person, but I've definitely had issues with weight and body image so it was very relateable (why is this not a word? I'm getting that squiggly red line but come on, we say this ALL THE TIME).
Library hardback

One of my goals this year is to read more Native American and Own Voices, and this book fit both of those! It's a little bit older (the term Indian v Native American, for instance) but it dealt with identity and poverty and race and prejudice and community...I'd recommend.
Library audio

What have you been reading this month?
Link-up & let us know!

Life According to Steph


  1. oh my gosh every time i write relateable i'm like what? i have to google it and i'm like am i crazy? same with positivity.
    anyway. haha. i read the first peculiar book but not the 2nd. i don't know if i have seen the movie yet (i don't remember... hmm..) but i realised they switched some of the characters when i saw the trailer. i don't get why they'd do that. i really liked angela's ashes but it was a hard book to get through. i liked fairest, i agree, i did not feel bad for her at all - she had things happen to her but she still made bad choices. have you read winter yet?!

  2. I tried to read The Red Tent YEARS ago and hated it. I wanted to like it but even in that context, historical fiction is not my thing.

    Angela's Ashes was amazing.

  3. Angela's Ashes broke my heart when I read it many years ago. I absolutely adored The Red Tent (also read many years ago).

  4. I had read all 3 books on Miss Peregrine before the movie came out so I was furious with the movie for mixing the talents up. So frustrating... not to mention how totally opposite the ending of that movie was to the series. I hated that 2nd book... but I will say, I did like the 3rd one & how they summed it up.

    The Red Tent was one of my favorite books - I havent read it in years. Makes me want to pick it up again.

  5. I have wanted to add Lunar Chronicles to my list for some time now. I just worried they would be cheesy.

  6. I've read a few Sherman Alexie books since he's from the PNW, and I like them! I think I have pretty much all of his books on my TBR.

  7. I've been wanting to read the Miss Peregrine books and need to get on those. It can be so frustrating when movies take too many liberties with books. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is already on my TBR. For some reason, I thought it was a relatively new book, not that it matters. :D Everything Everything is also on my TBR. I loved the Lunar Chronicles but haven't read Fairest yet.

  8. I read the The Red Tent ages ago but really enjoyed it. I really liked Everything Everything as well. The kids and I watched Miss Peregrine's....the movie because I didn't have an interest in reading the books!

  9. I have Fairest on my bookshelf and haven't read it yet! Planning to get to it soon. :)

  10. Angela's Ashes is one of those books I've been meaning to read for ever too. I loved Sherman Alexie's book and keep meaning to read more by him too.

  11. The last couple of years, I've made an effort to read a "banned book" during the American Library's Banned Books Week. That's what made me finally pick up Sherman Alexie's book.
    Angela's Ashes is such a profound book.

  12. I'm so glad that you enjoed Brittany Gibbons's book! I'm even more glad that you are enjoying the podcast!

    Everyone keeps reading about the lunar Chronicles and I keep meaning to start them. Eventually I will.

  13. I hope to read Everything Everything sometime!! I remember my mom had a copy of the Red Tent when I was a kid but I didn't know what it was about. I've never read it though! Love the Lunar Chronicles...Fairest was an interesting look at a character I hated.

  14. I really liked Fairest. I still need to read Winter, but I own it, so soon! I read the first Peculiar Children book and really enjoyed it so I need to continue on. :) Sherman Alexie's book is awesome - I'm so glad you read it! I'm curious about Fat Girl Walking - I've heard of it before but never seen a review, I don't think.


  15. OMG so let's talk about Everything Everything. What the actual hell was wrong with her mother??? Like I thought something like that was going to be the case but not to that extent. I would totally love a sequel to this book about the mom's time in therapy. It was just so... bizarre.
