2017 Reading Goals

1) Clean up and read my Ebook collection.

2) Read more diverse books, specifically focusing on:
  • mental illness & physical abnormalities
  • Native American stories 
  • Read outside of the US/UK
    • Most of my "diverse" books focused on African/Americans or Middle Eastern ethnicity. These were great and I enjoyed them...but there's still a lot more out there I haven't read about.

3) Read different styles of writing
  • including poetry and comics
    • When I say comics...there is a Sons of Anarchy comic that I want because...I love all things SOA...so this would be the thing to make me try comics

4) I've landed on 30 books for my overall goal. I hit 55 this year, thanks in large part to audiobooks (I'm completely converted). But...I have something else coming up that is making me cautious. More about this later.

5) I'm also doing my first group challenge (Erin's 6.0 Challenge). I'll post a list of what I plan on reading for that soon but it's not set in stone.

Do you have any reading goals for 2017?


  1. My recommendation for a book that's both more diverse and not UK/African American/Middle Eastern focused as you stated: The Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuzo. It's a book that talks about Japanese tea houses in the context of Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and Japanese culture. It sounds like it wouldn't be an interesting read, but it's surprisingly engaging.

  2. I love your 2nd goal. Last year, I joined a challenge called "Around the World in 80 Books" to encourage me to read books set in 80 different countries. I'm giving myself an open-ended finish date. It has a tab at the top of my blog if you're interested in seeing the book list.

  3. I'm trying to diversify also and read about other cultures. I kind of do that already but the past couple years it's only been 2 or 3 books and this year I want to do at least one per month. And I also want to do at least one business book per month.

    Hooray for Erin's book challenge! I was all excited to start but then I downloaded a bunch of stuff for the holidays and I'm still trying to catch up with that first. :P

  4. Yay for reading goals! One of mine was to read less and... I have about five books checked out from the library, three that I'm borrowing, and one I'm currently reading that's leftover from December. Um... we'll see how it goes haha
