Show Us Your Books: January 2017

Y'all, I completely forgot about this until I logged into Feedly and saw Jana's post about how she nearly forgot SUYB.

So here's a super quick rundown:

I'm late to the party on this, but I enjoyed it. RHE is somewhat controversial, but I appreciate the fact that she both loves Christ and also takes issue with the way Christianity as a whole has been executed throughout history. It felt like she was sincerely searching how to practice her faith in today's world, and that strikes a cord with me.

Y'all, I love this series. It's great. Do yourself a favor and just read it, OK?
Erin's Challenge: Freebie

I'm conflicted about this book. I can see it being realistic..but it's sad and the main character is not appealing to me. She basically sucks, actually.  I can't tell if we are supposed to be sympathetic or if it's OK that she's terrible. But I do like that it includes a variety of views on "fat," from the main character to her romantic relationships to her mother.
Erin's Challenge: Green Cover

Part of my Reading Resolutions is to try and diversify my reading- not just characters who are different from me but also different types of writing such as plays, poetry, etc. This was felt like a realistic Southern family drama, and I enjoyed it. Would love to see the play. 

This was such a blessing to read as a new mother. It could easily have been cheesy and frustrating, but it was very real and friendly. Also, it was Christian-leaning which was a nice surprise and inspirational.

What did you read this month? Link-up & let us know!

Life According to Steph


  1. I read The Mother Letters last year via Netgalley and found it quite sweet. And of course, all of the Lunar Chronicles books are AMAZING in my opinion :) Cress and Winter were probably my favourites actually.

  2. Biblical Womanhood has been on my list for a while, so I need to make it a priority to read at some point this year! I was really underwhelmed with 13 Ways too.

  3. I used to read a ton of plays and have really gotten away from that.

  4. the lunar chronicles is seriously one of my faves. love it. want to re-read it!

  5. Lunar Chronicles is terrific! I used to read a ton of plays for school and enjoyed them but haven't read one in awhile (well, Cursed Child) and should revisit them.

  6. I felt the same way about 13 Ways of Looking.

    The first book seems quite interesting.

  7. I need to read Cress soon! I've been saving it because I didn't want The Lunar Chronicles to end, but it's been long enough! lol.

  8. I've never read Cat on a Hot Tin Roof but I do LOVE reading plays, so I want to read more! I loved Cress too. I own Winter, but I need to read it ASAP.


  9. I've read plenty of articles and essays by RHE, but have yet to read a book by her. I want to. I seem to be in the same mindset that she is on a lot of topics that I've seen.
