Erin's 6.0 Reading Challenge- Planned Reads

Erin participates in the Show Us Your Books Link-Up pretty regularly, and I've seen people refer to her book challenges before. Jen, also a SUYB & bloggy friend, created a Goodreads group for the current challenge and invited me, so I decided to try it out.

I don't normally do any kind of group reading- challenges, clubs, or read-a-thons. But this is still relatively free form (rules: each book has to be 200+ pages, only 1 reread allowed, and books can only count towards one category). Plus it gives me direction for my TBR list- I think I only added one completely new book.

  •  5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages.
    • Cress by Marissa Meyer
      • I started The Lunar Chronicles around November, and can't wait to finish. Plus it lends to the next challenge...
      • Library e-book
  •  10 points: Read a book that starts with the letter “W”.
  • 10 points: Read a book with six words in the title.
  • 15 points: Read a book that has a (mostly) green cover.
  •  20 points: Read a book with a homonym in the title (inspired by the book Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin that I [Erin] read last challenge with a character who is obsessed with homonyms.) 
  •  20 points: (Submitted by Linda) Read a book by your favorite author.
    • Naked in Death by J.D. Robb
    • I honestly don't know if I have a specific favorite author, but I've read a ton of Nora Roberts over the years and enjoy the view J.D. Robb books I've read (her thriller/mystery alias), plus I already have this one so...
    • Own physical copy 
  • 25 points: (Submitted by Christina) Read a book set in the city/town/state/territory/county/province where you live.
  • 30 points: (Submitted by Peggy) Read a “Rory Gilmore” book. The character of Rory from the Gilmore Girls was shown reading over 300 different books throughout the series. Choose one!
  •  30 points: (Submitted by Stef) Read a book from a genre that you’ve never read (or rarely read.)
  • 35 points: (Submitted by Ferne) Read a book with time travel.

So after multiple changes, I have only added two books- mainly the Sedaris. I have heard him on This American Life, and my husband has that book so I chose it partly for ease of access but he's not my usual style. I actually heard Frank McCourt speak and read his book Teacher Man, and Angela's Ashes is one of those books I've always thought "Oh yeah I should read that" so it's not a random add. Plus I bought it on Audible and I think my husband will enjoy it also. Everything else is either something already on my TBR, something I own, or a series I had previously started.

One reason I am OK with this challenge is because it doesn't stop me from reading anything specific, and while there are slight additions it mostly just helps me choose an order for my TBR.

Have you read any of these books, or participated in any challenges?

1 comment

  1. I use challenges as a way to clear out my TBR list.. I did learn that I shouldn't do multiple challenges at once because it's just too much pressure. I also don't do the bonus round.
